Denver Handyman services including sprinkler repairs in Denver, sprinkler blowouts in Denver, Colorado

Denver’s historic flagstone sidewalks

By now you’ve heard that City of Denver is going to be sending out inspectors who will be alerting those that have misaligned slabs of flagstone or concrete walkways of a 45 deadline to get those slabs repaired, raised, replaced etc.

We specialize in Denver flagstone sidewalk repair and do not repair, replace or raise concrete walkways. Flagstone sidewalks in Denver are delicate and require special care when handling as to prevent scratches and worse. Moving these pieces of flagstone has risks which include the stone breaking if there is a pre-existing hairline fissure. Chances are high that they will not break if they haven’t already. We lift the Denver flagstone sidewalk pieces up and prepare the base without disturbing any roots below. Denver requires that an arborist make any cuts to roots going to any trees.

The Denver inspectors are only focused on the public sections of Denver flagstone sidewalk and cement walkways that run parallel to street(s), not the walkways that lead to your front door.

Get in touch with us today to review your Denver flagstone sidewalk repair project.